Greenlee Field

How long is an era? If you ask Rachel Green from “Friends” she’ll tell you that six years doesn’t count as an era. Eventually she gives in and agrees that it does, and I’d have to agree with her. The six years that Greenlee Field existed were not only historically significant but they were also […]
Braves Field Seat
Written by guest author Jay Sandord. Jay also wrote a piece for our Extra Innings section, about Denver’s connection to the Negro Leagues. “No home run will ever go over that Fence. This is the only field in the country on which you can play as absolutely fair game of ball without interference of fences.” […]
Wrigley Field Seat
Chairs, Beers, Wines, and Vines “Old Style heeeaah! Getcha icy cold Old Style, heeeahh!” You leap up out of the chair pictured above—it cracks and creaks from your sudden movement…you hold up your hands in the form of a peace sign…“Two!” “Two comin’… “8 bucks, buddy”… “Tenner comin’ back—keep the change”…[As the beer vendor walks […]
Ebbets Field Seat
The Gem at 1720 Bedford Avenue (Brooklyn, New York) There is an authenticated Ebbets Field stadium seat located in the National Ballpark Museum in Denver that offers a significant historical reference as most any memorabilia one could find. The museum is located about one hundred yards from Coors Field (home of the Colorado Rockies) and […]
Fenway Park Seat
My name is Ted Williams. You might remember me if you are a centurian, otherwise you may have heard of me from baseball history books!Way, way back on June 9, 1946 we, the Red Sox, were playing the Detroit Tigers. I hit a home run off pitcher, Fred Hutchinson and it landed on the […]
Crosley Field Seat
Hello! Today is October 8, 1940 and my name is Ernie Lombardi. I play Catcher for the Reds. I am just relaxing in this great seat at Crosley Field in Cincinnati. I have seen a lot of things here at this beautiful stadium in the heart of Cincinnati, but in my 9 years with the […]
Griffith Stadium Seat
For those of you looking to expand your knowledge of the original ballparks of Major League Baseball, or at least add to your “Cliff Claven” (think TV Show Cheers) repertoire of baseball facts, Griffith Stadium is as rich a choice as any. The venue was built in 1911 on the corners of Georgia Avenue and […]
League Park Seat
The original League Park opened in 1891 on the same site-the corner of E 66th St and Lexington Ave in the Hough Neighborhood of Cleveland. It was entirely wood construction. Knowing that they could improve on the customer experience by bringing seats like me into play, the owners decided to rebuild the park out […]
Forbes Field Seat
Welcome to Pittsburgh! More specifically the Oakland neighborhood a few miles outside of the city center, can you believe how this area has grown since 1909 when the Pirates’ owner Barney Dreyfuss built Forbes Field on seven acres near the Carnegie Library? People thought Barney was crazy when he moved the Pirates all the […]
Sportsman’s Park Seat
Why is a beat up ol’ blue seat in this museum? How did I end up here? What have I seen or done to warrant being on display in the National Ballpark Museum? Well, I hope you have some time because I have a few stories to share. Museums house relics and artifacts that represent […]